Before you reduce prices to attract customers, wouldn't it be helpful to know how many more customers you have to attract to pay for the discount?

Breakeven provides valuable insight for changing our behavior and approach towards employee incentive bonuses, price increases, price decreases, marketing opportunities, and more.

Many business owners are scared to raise prices because they fear losing business. Learn how much business you could lose before higher prices would reduce your profit.


A well-designed Org Chart is the foundation of job descriptions, training, employee reviews, and clarity among roles in your company. Download our FREE Sample Org Chart and get started on yours today!

The Profit First Analysis is all about taking profit before paying any expenses. Start running your business based on what you can currently afford, and not what you hope to afford one day. Change how you view and how you make a profit today.

Do your employees wake up in the morning and actually want to come to work, or do they dread it? Are you providing them with enough training, encouragement, and autonomy to be successful? Find out with our free Team Alignment Survey.


What if every job you completed helped you build a public portfolio of your success? And what if that portfolio attracted a continuous stream of new customers? Download our free tool for an easy-to-use guide for doing just that.

If you don't define your ideal customer, you won't be able to create a marketing plan to reach them effectively. Download our free Buyer Persona Questionnaire to define your ideal customer and start getting results from your marketing.

So you’re making a profit, but your business has no cash. How can that be? Download our free infographic to see the 3 reasons why your books show a net profit, but you have no cash when it matters the most.


The USP workbook Why Should I Buy From You? guides you through the process of identifying your target market and what matters most to them. Get your free copy by following the link below.

How would your business transform if you could increase your net profit by 14%? Download our free calculator to discover how a simple 1% change can increase your net profit by 14% (or more).

We've developed a list of interview questions that help you evaluate a candidate's character, not just his or her technical skills. If you want to start hiring great for your team, then download this free PDF.


Understanding the cycle of business is vital when planning for the future. Download our free Cycle of Business infographic to get a better understanding of how cash flows through your business.

For a lot of people, company culture is intangible. But, like many other things, just because you're not paying attention to it doesn’t mean you don’t have it. One of the best ways to develop your company's culture is to put it into writing and start trying to live by it.

The Buyer's Journey is the process that a person goes through as they decide whether or not they will buy your product or service. Understanding their journey will help you create marketing materials that resonate with them and turn them from a browser to a buyer.